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Our View of the Social Security Disability Advocacy Market

By Christina March 8, 2016

From concerns around the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds to all-time high backlogs and decreasing award rates, the past couple of years have been challenging, to say the least, for those involved in the Social Security Disability advocacy industry.  Some firms have not been able to weather the storm and there have been some who have had to bow out.  On the flip side, however, some firms, like The Advocator Group, have been able to take advantage of this difficult environment, increasing market share and providing assistance to more disabled individuals than ever before.

In early February, The Advocator Group, which is a subsidiary of Brown & Brown, Inc., acquired substantially all of the equity interests of Social Security Advocates for the Disabled (“SSAD”), a firm that also partners with carrier customers to help thousands of clients each year in obtaining Social Security Disability benefits.  Through this acquisition, the combined team will work together to deliver exceptional service to clients and carrier customers while also partnering to bring innovating products and processes to the market. For more about this merger, click here.

Our vision at The Advocator Group is to help as many people as possible and to create abundant new opportunities by expanding into broader markets. We believe that the SSDI marketplace is ripe for innovation, which is tremendously exciting for us as an organization. We feel we have a responsibility to our clients, our carrier customers, and ourselves to do this by bringing valuable new services to the market.


Nothing in this post is intended as advice or a suggestion to elect or not elect to claim benefits of any kind, including Social Security benefits, nor is it intended as financial advice in any way.  The decision to claim benefits is a personal one that is contingent upon each individual’s unique circumstances.

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