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Notice of Award (NOA)

A notice of award is sent to a claimant once their Social Security disability claim has been approved. The notice of award provides a detailed breakdown of the Social Security benefits the claimant will be receiving. This breakdown will include the monthly benefit amounts, as well as the approximate dates these payments will be delivered. The notice of award will also have information about any fees owed to representatives that assisted with the claim. Generally speaking, if your initial claim is accepted, an award letter will arrive within three months of an application. However, it is possible that letter arrives significantly sooner or later than this estimate due to a variety of factors that may affect a disability claim.

The notice of award will also list the eligibility date. The eligibility date is the day the Social Security Administration (SSA) became aware of a claimant’s intent to file for disability. This date is important because it will decide the amount of back pay that is owed. The total amount of back pay owed will be included in the notice.

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Take advantage of the many benefits of Social Security Disability with help from Brown & Brown to maximize your financial well-being during your period of disability.

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